In the Key Life Hosting Services Website Control Panel you’ll find a fully–featured, simple to operate Databases Manager! Use it to get complete control over all of your databases. You are able to very easily set up new MySQL and PgSQL databases and supervise them via the phpMyAdmin and phpPgAdmin software tools, respectively.

A User friendly User interface

Be in charge of your databases with just a click

Supervising your databases is much simpler than ever before, on account of the Website Control Panel interface for MySQL and PgSQL management! Even if you do not have thorough knowledge of utilizing databases, you will find it easy to handle Key Life Hosting Services’s Databases Manager.

You could make a completely new database simply by keying in the user name and password or generate a database back–up with merely a mouse click. At the same time, with the Data Manager you’ll get direct access to the management area for each and every database, allowing you to effectively update it.

Hepsia File Manager

Relatively easy Database Data backup

Take care of your database content with only a click of the mouse

Assuming you have dealt with databases, you are aware that creating a manual database backup is just not a simple job. In order to change this, we have made very simple tool that can back up the entire database with just a single click of the mouse. The backup file shall be prepared for you in under a minute, depending on the size of the chosen database.

There are not any confines on the amount of back–ups you can make for a specific database.

Hepsia File Manager

Support for PgSQL

Warranted safety for your personal databases

PgSQL databases are much less common as opposed to the popular MySQL databases. On the other hand, they represent a favorite option for developers seeking the best protection for their websites and web applications. Due to the intuitive Databases Manager integrated into the Key Life Hosting Services Control Panel, you can manage all of your PostgreSQL databases with only a mouse click.

You are going to find PgSQL databases included by default inside of the advanced website hosting plans packages. Provided that you are using a standard hosting package, you’re able to ask for PgSQL databases to be included in your website hosting account as upgrades.

Hepsia File Manager

InnoDB Databases

The newest face of MySQL

The MySQL databases on Key Life Hosting Services’s machines make use of the most up–to–date build of the InnoDB storage engine. InnoDB has been developed to ensure the highest possible functionality for sites that work with massive amounts of data. It presents CPU effectiveness that can not be equalled by any other different disk–based relational database engines.

InnoDB is ACID–compliant and provides complete transaction support, so that it is possible to update/insert/create/alter/drop more than once for one "operation" of your app. Also, it uses row–level locking and not MyISAM’s table–level locking, that boosts multi–user concurrency and functionality.

Hepsia File Manager

Detailed Database Stats

In depth stats for all of your databases

Key Life Hosting Services offers you a very easy technique to keep track of the database consumption of your dynamic websites. Via the descriptive database stats user interface, that is incorporated into the Website Control Panel, it is possible to track the load created by your busy sites in real time. The delivered data will enable you to assess the database load fluctuations per hour, on a daily basis or monthly.

It is possible to monitor the database load for all of your web sites from the Database Stats area of the Website Control Panel. The table on–screen presents the database lookups created in the present month. To inspect data for a previous month, click on the back arrows positioned at the top.

Hepsia File Manager